At the time of this review, that included macOS 11 Big Sur, macOS 10.15 Catalina and macOS 10.14 Mojave. Norton 360 Standard is compatible with the current and previous two versions of macOS. Parents can monitor School Time and the regular parental controls from a Mac. School Time is an addition to the parental controls designed to allow remote-learning students scheduled access to specific categories of apps and websites without opening the entire internet to them. In addition to the Norton 360 Standard features, this bumps the online storage up to 50GB and adds monitoring of people-search sites for your data, plus parental controls and a new School Time feature for kids using Windows, Android or iOS. This allows you to install Norton 360 on up to five Windows, Mac, Android or iOS devices. If you need to cover additional devices, you'll have to buy up to Norton 360 Deluxe for $105 per year.